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Organic Fertilizers and Pesticides

Organic Farming India Soil and Fertilizers India Organic Farming India
Your Garden Soil is Everything! It is the Building Block for all your planting. If you have good soil you will certainly be able to reap the best quality flowers, fruits, vegatables and herbs. But, how should you choose this valuable resource?

Join us and visit How-to-Improve-Garden-Soil to learn everything you wanted to learn about soils and ways to improve them.


LECA (Light Weight Expanded Clay Aggregate) Clay Balls

LECA (Light Weight Expanded Clay Aggregate) is a natural product manufactured in India with the latest technology. It offers max. porosity which serves a great purpose of absorption/storage and retention of water while adding a very natural aesthetic value. Leca is strong and durable and allows several cycles of reuse.

Leca is a true media for hydroponics and various mediums of plant life and accommodates its nutrients without wastage. It can be used in all pots, gardens, landscape, hydroponics, aquaponics, aquaculture, vertical farming etc. It can be used as top layer or mixed with soil as desired.

green products India
Available in packs of 2 kg and 20 kg. Larger packs also available.


Vermiculite is is great as an addition to your garden soil for improving drainage and aeration. Golden brown and exfoliated vermiculite helps in making available essential minerals for your plants. This composted mixture is free from odor and because it is fully decomposed is easily assimilated by plants.
green products India
Available at Rs 185 for 400 gms pack. Larger packs also available.


Can be used to amend soil or is also of much use and importance in hydroponic gardening (Read here to know more about hydroponics). However its main use in gardening is to prevent soil from compacting and given that it is light-weight it is used very often for large planters. It is completely natural and it will help improve soil drainage and eliminate weeds if used as a growing medium.
green products India
Available at Rs 185 for 400 gms pack. Larger packs also available.


Cocopeat is often used either by itself or as an addition to soil substrates for growing of bulbous plants. It is 100% natural made from coconut coir. It is helpful in aerating soil and retaining moisture making it an ideal growing companion for growing many bulbs such as liliums. Cocopeat can also be used for seed starting both a plug or as a medium.

SEEDING PLUGS Seeding Plugs that are already prepared for you to germinate easily seeds of all types also available. Get easy and happy results with growing seeds using just seeding plugs - Rs. 35 per plug or Rs. 150/- for pack of 6 plugs.
green products India
Available at Rs 145 for 400 gms pack. Larger packs also available.

Premixed Substrate Mix

This mix is ideally composed for container gardening, lawns conditioning, propagation of plants and root cuttings, terrace and roof gardening as well as seed germination. The mix constitutes peat moss, perlite and vermiculite which are mixed in proportions to give you gardening success. Being lightweight it is easy to handle and facilitates drainage while conserving moisture for optimal health of the growing plants.
green products India
Available at Rs 175 for 400 gms pack. Larger packs also available.


Biogreen –Plant Tonic

Contains sea weed extract, Proteins and Amino acids for overall growth of plant helping plants produce more flowers and fruits.

Available at Rs 80 per 100 ml. Shipping Additional


Contains Folic Acid, Amino acids and Proteins for bringing out more flowering in flowering plants, foliage, increasing fruit size and overall health of plants. Reduces flower and fruit dropping in vegetables.

Available at Rs 100 per 25ml. Shipping additional.

Soil Enricher Granules

Various types of granules can be used by members to enrich soil which contains various quantities of five different constituents viz sea weed extract, Neem Oil, Humic Acid and Anti root rot substances. It brings about overall vigorous growth of plant with more flowers and fruits, protects plants from insects and pests, brings about profuse root growth, and prevents root decay and damping off.

Available at Rs 75 per 500gms. Shipping additional.
Available at Rs 260 per 2 KG. Shipping additional.
Available at Rs 390 per 4 KG. Shipping additional.

Bio-organic soil enricher Based on Press Mud

Highly nutritious bio-organic soil enricher cum plant food. It is derived from several organic agricultural wastes such as leaves, mushrooms, Neem cake, Humus etc and processed with useful bacterial cultures and useful soil flora. Useful for ornamental plants, Lawns..

For Details email at info@groveflora.com

Rooting Products – for rooting and germination

Contain Humic Acid (12%) which is a liquid form of Humus to bring about profuse growth of secondary and tertiary roots. This makes soil porous and airy helping increase water holding capacity. This helps plant growth in initial stages. It also helps in germination of seeds.

Available at Rs 70 per 100ml. Shipping additional.

Vermi Compost

Enrich your potting and garden soil with Vermi Compost. This will improve the soil drainage and soil aeration. In addition it will increase soil productivity through the vermi element. Grow more and improve seed germination and plant health.
green products India
Available at Rs 129 per kilo. Shipping additional. Larger packs also available.

Neem Fertilizer

The Neem fertilizer is made from dried ground neem tree seeds, neem leaves, mustard and other natural plant material known to assist in plant growth. Compared to regular manure or compost, our neem fertilizer is much drier and does not have any odors or problems of insects commonly associated with traditional manure or compost. In fact our neem fertilizer actually serves to repel insects while providing nutrition to plants and vegetation. Given its natural and non-chemical content, Neem Fertilizers is entirely safe to use on vegetable patches and for fruit trees and thereby also do not convey harmful chemicals to people and their pets.

Available at Rs 110 per 850 gms. Shipping additional. Larger packs also available.

Organic Soil Enricher

Organic Soil Enricher is ideal for home gardeners growing their own veggies and flowers. Helps to enhance the garden soil with nutrients essential to optimum plant growth without harmful effects of harmful chemicals.

Available at Rs 185 for 400 gms pack. Larger packs also available.

100% Organic Phosphorus Bio-Fertilizer

Organic Phosphorus and Carbon with Bio-Fertilizer is ideal for all soil types and home gardeners growing their own vegetables and flowers. Helps to enhance the phosphorus content in the soil which is very useful for growing flower bulbs, veggies and fruits. Highly recommended for plants in pots whether flowers, fruits or vegetables. Contains essential bio-fertilizers and rock derived phosphorus. Ideal organic substitute for chemical DAP.

Available at Rs 150 for 400 gms pack. Larger packs also available.

Organic NPK Bio-Fertilizer

Organic NPK Bio-Fertilizer is ideal for all soil types and home gardeners growing their own veggies and flowers. Helps to increase the availability of Nitrogen, Potassium and the potash content in the soil. Improves soil quality organically with added advantage of containing vitamins and hormones for plants. Boosts immunity and ensures development of flowers and fruits as well as improving vegetable yield.

NPK Fertilizer

Non-Organic NPK Fertilizer in various combinations is also available for specific soil or growing requirements.


Plant Shampoo – For Clean and shiny plants

Contains non-ionic surfactants and Herbal extracts. To be used with water for cleaning plants. Surfactants spread water on leaf surface to clean dust and dirt helping open stomatas of leaves. Herbal extracts kills small insects on plants.

Available at Rs 55 per 100 ml. Shipping Additional

Organic Pesticide – Effective treatment of Mealy bugs on fruit plants

Contains highly concentrated plant extracts which effectively kill mealy bugs on contact. It must be used with plant shampoo (2ml per L water).

Neem Pesticide

Natural neem pesticide is obtained from the oils of the neem tree, proven to be a powerful repellant due to its bitter properties effective on over 150 varieties of insects leaving your plants safe from their attack. Given the entirely natural content, this is chemical free while providing protection and retards even insect larvae.
Available at Rs 49 per 100ml. Shipping additional. Larger packs also available.

Potting Material

We also provide various potting material for all your container gardening needs including coco-peat mixes, peat, coco substrates, perlite and professional composts etc. Giving the right start to your gardening efforts definitely pays off! Contact us at info@groveflora.com for further details.

Rooting hormone

Rooting hormone is often needed in the garden to ensure that your cuttings get a head start in building a healthy root system. It is one of the most significant differentiators in successful growing of rose cuttings as well as other plant cuttings. Available at Rs 30 for 30 GMS. Shipping Additional.

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